Music Groups
English Music of all Centuries

Jayne Gilbert
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Fourth Wednesday morning of the month (10 – Noon).
All meetings now take place in the Group Leader’s home in Horringer.
What do we do?
Group members take turns to host meetings and select topics.
We have recently opened this group up to include all centuries.
We are currently full but happy to start a waiting list, please contact the Group Leader who can add you to the waiting list.
Also please contact to add your name to other people also interested; once there are sufficient people, u3a will help you all establish a second group.

John Hawthorn
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Thursdays, Monthly 10:00am to 12:30pm
at the Group Leader’s house
What do we do?
A group for music enthusiasts!
The aim of the group(s) is to provide a relaxed environment for music enthusiasts to share their passion and knowledge with other group members in a sociable way. Inevitably members are introduced to music/artists they will not have heard before and expands their musical horizons.
Members meet monthly at the group leader’s house to listen to music for a couple of hours or so with a break for tea/coffee and discussion. The music is selected by the group members based on a theme which members choose in turn. The scope is almost limitless but examples might be:
· Favourite female singers
· Songs released in the ’70s
· Colours
· Film & TV
· Cover versions
· Towns & Cities
I then create a playlist of the music selections in advance of meetings in order to play them on the day. The music selected is generally modern but has included classical, jazz etc.
There are currently three groups which have reached capacity but if you are interested in joining a group please contact me (group leader) as I maintain a reserve list and will consider setting up a fourth group if there is sufficient interest.

Graham Fitchett
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
First Wednesday morning of each month at the Spaul Room, Thomas Clarkson Centre 10.00 – 12.00
What do we do?
Our group takes a light hearted look at music appreciation. We have started to look at basic musical structures with the intent of seeing how music has developed and diverged over the centuries.
Individuals take a lead, if they wish, on presenting a composer or musical topic.
Examples are played of either the ‘form’ or of the composer on a Bluetooth enabled CD player.
Enjoying music and each other’s company is a priority!
New members welcome.

Alan Budd
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
4th Thursday each month, (except August) at the Group Leader’s home
10.00am – 12.00
What do we do?
Perhaps you know that “It’s not over until the fat lady sings”. You may remember Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma at the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, or have heard the Toreador song from Carmen.
If you want to explore the world of opera, you don’t have to be an expert; this is a group for anyone who has an interest in the glorious music and would like to know more.
We usually look at one opera, perhaps watching DVD excerpts, and discussing the history of the piece, over a couple of hours.
Unfortunately we are now full and have a waiting list; if you would be interested in adding your name to the waiting list or finding out more, contact group leader Alan Budd.
Alternatively, waiting list members could start a new Group – please fill in the form, section 1

Jenny Sewell
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
Every Friday afternoon 2.00 – 4.00pm during term time in Culford Village Hall.
What do we do?
Usually a recorder consort features playing pieces in four parts – descant/soprano; treble/alto; tenor; bass – but more or fewer instruments are often used and the most fun is to be gained by being able to play all of the instruments. Learning to handle recorders is not usually a problem for adults and it is a matter of learning where the notes are from fingering charts and practising how to co-ordinate breathing, tongueing and fingering. In this group a few members play more than one instrument.
Christmas 2023 Charity Concert at Glasswells
Music can be supplied and can be taken away for practise between sessions. Your own recorder and music stand would be needed. Plastic instruments can be purchased inexpensively.
Recorder consort playing demands fairly good sight reading skills so a familiarity with music notation is necessary before you consider joining this group but you don’t need to be an expert to join in!
The Recorder Group has almost reached maximum capacity for the time being but we are happy to hear from anyone who would like to be put on the waiting list. Please also email where you can be added to a list for a second group.

Karen Norris
The group organiser details are only available to logged in members
When do we meet?
2.00 to 4.00pm on Mondays in term time.
Thomas Clarkson Centre Hospital Road.
What do we do?
The u3a Choir is a friendly, informal group with over 30 members, we sing a wide variety of music, usually in four parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass).
No Audition is necessary, and you don’t need to read music, as we will help you.
New members are very welcome and should contact Karen Norris
Why not join us and enjoy the health benefits of singing. No audition is necessary and you don’t need to read music, as we will help you.
Concerts are held twice each year at All Saints Church.
This term’s fees are £20, to cover hire of the hall and new music (subsequent terms may be less).