Registered Charity No. 803112
Previous Monthly Talks

Previous Monthly Talks

David Dawson, our Monthly Talks Co-ordinator would be interested in feedback on any lecture and on ideas from members for future talks. Please email

Read Previous Monthly Talks here:

May 2024 – Medieval Lavenham

November 2023 – The Genius of Charles Dickens

June 2023 – Dr Livingstone I Presume

March 2023 – Net Zero Futures

October 2022 – The Oregon Trail and I

September 2022 – Medical Dogs

July 2022 – Above the Law

June 2022 – Arts, Culture, Creativity: are they important? 

May 2022 – Goodbye to the High Street?

April 2022 – The Splendour of Jewellery

March 2022 – Adult and Community Care

February 2022 – A Short History of Bury St Edmunds

Jan-2022 Charlie Haylock Live at the Apex

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