An event every month that begins at 10:00 am on day Third of the month, repeating indefinitely
Western theatre has its roots in the theatre of Ancient Greece. Written over 2,000 years ago, the Tragedies deal with the big themes of love, loss, pride, power, and the relationship between man and the gods.
We read and discuss the plays and share any information we discover from other sources.
Having completed our reading of Homer’s Odyssey, we shall be returning to Greek Drama for a while with Euripides’ The Bacchae. So the name of the group will be Greek Drama.
This would be a good time for anyone thinking of joining us to try a ‘taster’ session, as we now have vacancies for new members.
We meet at 10am on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Margaret Kemp Room at the Quaker Meeting House.